Sunday, January 24, 2010

My 17th Bday Bash!!

we had to go to school that morning because Tan Sri Muhyidin was gonna come. But that was cancelled since the Sultan of Johor passed away. We picked up Chi Jun in school n went straight to The Gardens.^^ When we reached there my sis ad I were sesat for a short while but then we found our way to Red Box.hahaXD The place is connected to Midvalley so it was kinda complicated. well then when we reached the wonderful place my mom was alredi there. I rushed to get the things set up cuz they were gonna arrive at any minute. We karaoked till 3 well lets say they actually screamed and yelled. haha till they lost their voice especially theena n naresh. Lunch started at 3. Thats the fixed time 4lunch at Redbox. I thought it was a time out 4 karaoke but i guess they juz cudnt resist it n the karaoke never stopped even durin lunch time. SO SO many song were played..from old songs like who let the dogs out to latest songs like tik tok to baby songs like baba black sheep.HAHAHHAAHA Well then we cut the cake and i got this really cute bday hat from REdbox with candles on top. It was yellow with colorful candles. Finally we had our lucky draw around 5. Winners of my lucky draw were
-Chi Jun
n another two people

WEll then everyone went on with the karaoke. it was just nonstoppable.hahaaha
party ended at 6 after we had photo sessions>.< loved it n it turned out better than i thought. thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xoxoxoxo lov the gifts especially the annoyng chicken..squawk!!!!!!!