Friday, January 9, 2009

Bye Holidays!!!!!!!Hello school

Hi!! I want to apologise for not updating my blog these couple of sorry..I was quite busy most of the time. Buying this and that, going here and there,and everywhere! So here's some STUFF that happened during that time..........................

14 Dec 2008
My New Phone Was Born...
It was a Sunday and I went for my regular piano class in Yamaha and later bought my new Sony Ericsson W910 special edition Silky White!! Supposedly its my b'day gift but I get it 1 month earlier.It's so beautiful and I can't stop admiring it....hehe....We also bought the screen protector,plastic cover, a uni holder and a small Roxy pouch for it. All for you!!

15-17 Dec
Off To Genting!!!!!
My sis and I were to choose where we wanted to go. My parents didn't want to go anywhere too far,so in the end we decided to go to Genting. Besides, its been years since I have gone there.. Like usual, Genting hotels are always fully booked especially during the hols so, luckily we got a room in Awana Hotel. We went around 3pm and reached there within an hour. It was so QUICK, man! I mean I didn't expect it to be that quick..
For the first day we just stayed in the hotel, ate maggi cup and checked out the hotel compounds. We played video games at the playing area while my little bro went on the token rides. was so nice and the weather was cool.
The next day we ate breakfast at the hotel before going to the theme park.. We went there by taxi and it was RM40 going to the theme park and the same amount going back to the hotel..WOW!! By the end of the day i went on 10 rides including indoors and outdoors..Only 1 ride in indoors..I know so little bit you wouldn't believe the queues. Imagine spending more than 50% of your time there queueing up!! My favourite ride was the roller coaster.. it was so scary and I fell like I was going to fall off my seat..Some Important reminder!!!!!!!!!!!Remember to bring a muffler, an extra sweater and even mittens the next time you go to Genting. It was super cold for me..and I brought none of the above*.*
The next day we went swimming at the hotel's pool while my dad went for massage. My sis and I made a friend there called Darsheni. Later on we packed up and were ready to leave. The funny part was that while we were busy putting the bags at the car boot, my 2 year old bro spilt milk powder all over the car, so we had to call someone to vacuum it.....toddlers......they are always up to something.........Overall it was a very relaxing and an enjoyable trip^.^

A Creepy Experience
I have these back and neck aches now since early this year and its getting more and more severe lately. First, I thought that it was because of the PMR but even after that, it still continued to ache. Finally we went to see a specialist in Gleneagles and the doctor asked me to take the MRI short for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. I thought it was some x-ray stuff so I didn't bother to ask or check-out. When the day finally came, I found out that it was that thingy that you have to lie down and it will close up!! Just like tuna being canned according to my sis!!You dump the tuna in the can and close it up. I was freaking out and that statement wasn't helping!!!!!!!!!!! Its like in that movie"Meet Dave" and Dave( Eddie Murphy) had to do the MRI after the accident and ended up being stuck to the machine cuz he happens to be a robot from another planet made out of metal and metals are attracted to magnets, right?? Phew, that was long..Well, briefly we're not supposed to have any metallic items with us in the room. it snot that Im claustrophobic or something but its scary to go in somewhere closed and know you cant get out. Well luckily I didnt have to go all the way in since the MRI was involving the spine. Although it was only 15 min, it felt SO long. It was very noisy in that machine and I had to wear these thing to cover my ears. Honestly, it sounded like drums and irritating music.It was like I was in a loud concert.heh..not as bad as I expected though...creepy experience I would say

A Special Dish For New Year
Its been a while since our family has had some gathering, so my mom planned to invite my aunts and uncles, grandparents and my cousins to our house for lunch. This year the Islamic new year 1430 and 2009 are only 4 days apart, so we planned to have it on a Sunday before new year. To make it special this time, my parents planned to have turkey as the main dish. WE went to buy it and it was 100++ and Whoa that was a shock for my mom. well, turkey is a rare dish in Malaysia so I guess that's why its expensive.we still bought it. My Mom is such a great cook. Other dishes on the menu:
-macaroni mixed and topped with 4 different types of cheese(mozzarella cheese, cream cheese, cheddar cheese and Parmesans cheese)
-Zetti with the same type of cheese
-baked chicken in tomato sauce
-chicken fried in cornflakes
-salad with lemon juice
-marble cake topped with whipped cream and peaches and strawberries on top
-chicken rice
-special Iranian soup modified by mom
The cool part is that everything is homemade!!
All I can say is that it was such a special and memorable gathering.
P.S. I even got my hair straightened by then

To be continued and I will be back A.S.A.P.
Happy reading!!!!!!!!!!!